Like so many of my Chicago Modern Quilt Guildsters, I submitted 2 quilts for QuiltCon 2016 in Sacramento. Under the "group" category is the quilt my quilty buddies made in honor of my mom after she died. The second quilt is the Elongated Drunkard's Path that I finished the month after my mom died. These hand stitches represent some very soothing grief work. But now as children wait for Santa, I need to wait until Dec 30 to find out whether either of these made the cut.
I am also waiting to see how this quilt turns out. This quilt is now floating on more of the fabric used in the backgroud. It is at Terri and Frank Karls's house waiting to be longarmed. This will be the first of my quilts to have custom long-arm quilting. And of course I can't wait. Just one more thing to be patient about.
Meanwhile I'm working on this quilt for my stepdaughter who turns 50 in January. It's not so much of a birthday present as it is an "omg, what happened to this quilt?' present. I slept at her house for a few nights with my grandson while she was out of town. And as I climbed into her bed, I noticed her quilt, one I made 10 years ago or so, was shredding! The backing was fine - so was the batting. But one of the fabrics on the front was just shredding. I thought about repairing this quilt - I still may - but then decided she deserves a new quilt. Julie's color choices are rich and warm. I loved then fabrics when I bought then and knew what design I wanted to use. But as I started making these big blocks, I became pretty disenchanted with both the fabrics and the design. One day I had to stop work and leave the studio. Luckily my neighbor Cristina had some work to do in the studio, saw this quilt, and said it looks like a sunset. Perfect for Julie. Once my quilt is ready for pick up at Terri and Frank's, I'll have them do Julie's quilt.
This quilt will be 96 x 112" and will have a final border of that wonder merlot-colored fabric.